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Adjust | Thrive #DO
Adjust | Thrive #DO:What is a “To Do” List? The definition is a simple one, a list of tasks you need to complete, or things that you want to do. Do, focuses on perform and synonyms are: carry out, undertake, execute and complete. To, is used when one expresses a:...
Adjust | Thrive #TwoLenses
Adjust | Thrive #TwoLenses:The two lenses: Confidence and Self-doubt As the year comes closer to an end, we are experiencing a transition into a new phase filled with emotions, pressure, grief and many other challenges. The relics of the pandemic become clear as...
Adjust | Thrive #SpringEnergy
Adjust | Thrive #SpringEnergy:In my search to write about the next two agreements of The Four Agreements, I thought of spring and seasonal change as well as change in all spheres of life. TRANSFORMATION – WHY? Transformation is part of life, and nature and its...
Women’s Day 2021 | “Just like me”
JUST LIKE ME | #AttitudeChangesEverythingWe have stretched, changed and reached potential together since 1956, it’s time to embrace the “new normal” in the digital age of working online together. This year we are focused on celebrating Women’s Day with the...
Adjust | Thrive #FullPotential
Don’t take anything personally | Don’t make assumptionsSome may recognise this month’s topic from Don Miguel Ruiz’s book ‘The four agreements’, a New York Times bestseller for more than a decade. The concepts and ideas from this book were inspired by ancient Toltec...
Adjust | Thrive #MentalHealth
Thinking About Mental HealthThis year’s theme for Mental Health Awareness Week (UK) is Nature. Below, Conrad is sharing thoughts on Mental Health as well as tips on how to develop awareness. We urge you to notice nature and to make a habit of connecting to nature...
Adjust | Thrive #SafeguardYourself
Stress and burnout during the current global situation – how to safeguard yourself.As the pandemic is creating increasing demands on us and the potential of a 3rd wave of infection looms, the risk of experiencing burnout may be greater than we would like it to be. If...
Adjust | Thrive #BeyondResilience
From Resilience to Antifragility – Teaching birds how to flyThis month the topic is something that is mentioned frequently enough to be in everyone’s vocabulary. Resilience is an especially apt discussion point given all the challenges and uncertainty we have faced...
Adjust | Thrive #TheOneYouFeed
Adjust | Thrive #TheOneYouFeedThere’s a wonderful story about an old Cherokee Indian teaching his grandson about life. He explains that there are two wolves inside us which are always at battle. Here is how the story goes: “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to...
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